Mature Desire

Proverbs 19:2
Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.


It is not wise to be hasty. Our culture is full of people who have lots of desire, but knowledge is often lacking. It's common in our culture to just go with the flow, or to just figure it out along the way, to not have a plan or not know what's coming up next. The Bible calls this "not good."
On the other end, there are people with lots of knowledge but not much desire. They plan and may not be hasty, but they sure are boring.

The Scripture probably isn't talking about the latter, but there is some truth to it. But the main point is that desire needs knowledge in order to be good. In our culture this is dangerous in many ways. Love is a powerful thing and our culture loves to pair love and youth, sometimes it seems like the two are exclusive. But young love is heavy weighted on desire, but not much knowledge, or foresight, or planning.

This Scripture especially speaks to me. Most of my life has been desire without knowledge. Most of my life has been haste caused by procrastination. So many times, even to this day I have "missed my way."

Desire may not be a bad thing, but in order to have a matured, wise desire, it requires knowledge; and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).


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