Seek First

In Luke 12, Jesus tells his disciples that the nations of the world seek after things like food and clothes, but they are not to worry about these things. Instead, they are to seek God's kingdom, and their needs will be met within that seeking. This is Jesus' response to covetousness and possessions.

I hear it so often to seek God's kingdom first, beyond my daily needs, but again I'm left with the question: do I actually do it?

In all honesty, no. Not consistently. To be transparent, covetousness is one of my struggles. I think it's easy to pass off that sin in our culture as "Well, it's okay to want new things; there's nothing wrong with that." Well, maybe. But if we're honest, in our hearts it often goes beyond that.

Sometimes I'll want curry, but Laine won't make it (because I didn't ask). But it doesn't matter to me. I'll eat what she cooked and be just as satisfied. I wanted curry, but didn't get it, and it didn't cause me any kind of grief. I don't crave curry afterwards, I don't even think about curry, because what I really wanted was any kind of food, and to eat with my family.

On the other hand, if I get an email from Apple announcing a new product, I go and check out all the specs.
I watch the product videos.
I'll look at my current computer and think it's old and outdated.
I might even go into the store and experiment with one.

The reality is, I've spent more time pursuing this one product than I've spent time praying about it, or seeking God on it.
When it comes to making decisions, I could be spending a lot more time in the Bible and in prayer, but I don't. I'm too busy watching Apple videos.

The same pattern happens with motorcycles, music, clothing, and movies.
Calling it plain and simple, it's covetousness. Maybe not in all cases, but most. Do any of those things further God's kingdom? I guess you could argue that they can, but that's beyond the point. If I'm going to follow Jesus and do as he says, I've got to change.

Lord, forgive my sin. I say right now that I don't want this to be a part of my life. I want to live with your kingdom as my highest and consistent goal. Please change me by your Spirit in Jesus' name.


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