And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all contentment in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
-2 Corinthians 9:8
Paul is talking about a monetary collection for the church. He’s saying that giving has to come out of contentment, not begrudgingly or out of some sense of obligation. But the way he puts it here opens my eyes to something.
There’s a certain order he lays out. He says that first, God’s grace comes into my life in an abundant way. If I accept it and try to live by it, I will have contentment (or, sufficiency) in all things, always. But only living in God’s grace can bring this contentment. His grace drives contentment in all my situations and empowers me to be joyful with whatever I have, or don’t have. And this sense of contentment, in turn, enables me to abound in the good works of God.
If I’m not content, which comes through grace, I won’t be able to focus on the good works that have been prepared for me. Grace - contentment - good works. All of these things are promised to be abundant in my life, if I start by understanding and receiving his grace first. Once I do that, contentment will pave the way for me to walk in God’s plan, which abounds in good works - the work of God’s kingdom.
Grace - Contentment - Works
Friday, April 13, 2012
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